Tracking conversions

When a customer registers at your gym or makes a purchases you may want to pass information about the conversion to a 3rd party provider.  Such information is typically used in ads systems so you can measure the effectiveness of your spend and increase performance. This article runs over how to set that up.

Support for conversion tracking

WodBoard provides best in class support for our software and your team who use it. We are however unable to help with 3rd party integrations for which we do not control the integration - this is the case with conversion code. For this you should speak to your account manager at the platform (if you have one) or your ads specialist/agency. We are not experts in these systems and cannot realistically offer help on systems we did not develop or do not understand. This is in-line with standard business practices for online software companies.

If your parter is struggling we recommend they use the browser inspector to see the pixel code and check if it's firing or not. The conversion code field accepts any Javascript so they can add debug code if they need to diagnose issues..

Thank-you page

In a traditional e-commerce setup a customer makes a payment and is redirect to a thank-you page - it is here that you fire your conversion code from. WodBoard however does not have a concept of a thank-you page. This is intentional. The reason is there are many ways a customer can convert - for example:

  • Customer visits your website and signs-up
  • Customer visits your gym, already has the WodBoard app on their phone from a previous gym, and scans the QR code to signup which opens in the app
  • Customer visits your website, books a gym tour, and sign-ups at the gym via the card reader
  • A member of staff signups the customer on the phone
  • There are many other ways to convert - especially with our CRM add-on

Clearly in some of these situations a thank-you page isn't possible as the customer isn't online (eg using the card reader, staff signing up the customer). As such we have instead taken a different approach - that is you can enter some conversion code and we guarantee this will fire at the first opportunity it can. For example if the customer signs up on the web from your website (case 1 above) it'll fire straight away. If however a member of staff signs up the customer then it'll fire when they first login to the app.

This can be confusing for ads specialist and agencies who are used to working with the concept of a thank-you page. It doesn't alter anything though - the code is guaranteed to fire for each customer that converts. You should however note that the page it can fire from will differ.

Entering code

Pixels are the most popular way of measuring conversions and major suppliers provide simple code you can drop into your website and 3rd party providers (such as WodBoard) to measure conversions. For maximum results we recommend you add the code to both your website and WodBoard.

Head to Settings -> Business Details and then click into the relevant location.  On that page you'll notice a link to add conversion code.  This is where you save your pixel code.

Once saved the pixel code will fire each time a conversion event occurs in WodBoard.  Multiple events could fire for a given user if they, for example, register as a lead and then buy a product at a later point. You should choose the option in your ads provider that allows for multiple events per user.

Code When it fires
First page code When the customer first lands on one of our "public" pages - eg the signup page, the register page, crm form etc. No conversion will have occurred here but it's useful to track that the user has made it this far in your signup process
(CRM only) form conversion code When the customer completes a CRM form
Register conversion code When the customer uses the Register link or an account is created by staff for the customer
Purchase conversion code When the customer makes a purchase

Many browsers are adding privacy options that mean pixel code may be blocked. Whilst it will work for some users it won't for others. You should therefore take conversion stats from pixels as a guide for how well things are working rather than a definitive number. The metrics within your WodBoard dashboard should always be the definitive guide.

iOS 14.5 and later Apple has limited the events that Facebook can track in apps as part of a privacy move.  When using apps on iOS a user is presented with a dialog asking if they want to allow tracking across websites (which needless to say they'll nearly always refuse).  If they refuse then only limited events from facebook are tracked.  As such we recommend you verify your domain in Facebook and prioritise the ViewContent event.  This allows for maximum event recording in iOS14.5


To improve conversion effectiveness you can often pass additional information to tracking pixels such as purchase price and unique order references (the later stops duplicate events). Our Tracking javascript variable provides the information you need to pass this along.

On conversion pages a Tracking Javascript variable will be present that contains a type and id attribute. The id is a unique reference for the event and the type will be one of the following:

Event Description When it occurs
Subscribe A customer signups for a membership For all new customers. For existing customer if they've not been active for 30 days

a) A customer buys a class pack

b) A customer pays for a one off item (such as a PT session)

c) A customer claims a free item (such as a trial)

a) for all new customers. For existing customer if they've not been active for 30 days

b) if the customer is new

c) if the customer is new

Register A customer registers with your business but doesn't buy anything For all new customers
Lead A lead registers interest with your business (CRM only) For all leads

If the event is a Subscribe or Purchase type then some extra attributes are also available in the Tracking variable:

Attribute Description
productId A unique reference for the product. Will be the same on subsequent purchases of the product
name The product name
amount The amount of the purchase as a string - eg "125.00"
currency The currency of the purchase - eg "GBP"

Attributes can be accessed by calling the attribute name on the Tracking variable - for example Tracking.amount

The variables can be used to pass extra information about the event to the 3rd party providers. For details of how to do that see your 3rd party provider documentation.