Hybrid AF
The WodBoard Hybrid AF integration allows you to setup automatic synchronisation so that customers in WodBoard will automatically be added in Hybrid AF and visits from Hybrid AF will show in WodBoard.
To setup the integration follow the following steps:
1) Head to Settings -> Business Details -> Locations -> Edit and look for the Hybrid AF setup link towards the bottom of the page
2) Enter your Facility ID in the popup. Hybrid AF will be able to provide this if you don't know it
3) At this point all your existing customers with memberships will be sent to Hybrid AF. In their software you can setup with memberships are allowed access and which are not (eg "24 hour" membership allows access, "3x per week" does not)
4) To send back visit information from Hybrid AF to WodBoard you need to complete some additional steps. Firstly head to Staff in the sidebar, choose "Add Staff Member" and then choose the "New Staff member option". Enter "Hybrid AF" as the name and "support@hybridaf.com" as the email. No permissions should be selected
5) A red box will appear saying the staff member already has an account. Click the link shown to invite them to your account.
6) Let Hybrid AF know you have added them to your account and they will setup the reporting back of visits
Using Hybrid AF integration
Once setup there's no further action required. WodBoard will automatically send new customers to Hybrid AF and cancel old customers from Hybrid AF as such events occur. When a customer passes through a Hybrid AF device that information is saved under their profile so you can see when they're attending. You can see aggregated access logs for the day under Reports.
You may also like to setup the Reception screen if you have a reception area and want to see a live stream of customers accessing your facility. When logged in on the reception computer head to Settings -> Business Details -> Edit next to the location and enable the reception dashboard by clicking the link.
How athletes can use the door unlock option
Athletes can open the app and head to the extras item along the bottom menu. There they will see an "Access Control" option. Tapping this shows the HybridAF door unlock page. This will only show for those with memberships that allow access through Hybrid AF.