White Label App Apple

To publish a WodBoard White Label App you'll first need to create an Apple developer account (we cannot do this for you).  Periodically Apple will publish updated legal terms that you must also accept through this account.  For apps on the Google Play Store we do not require you to setup an account - we can handle this for you.

Registering an Apple account

Apple require app owners register for their Developer Program.  This costs $99/year and is a requirement to distribute apps from the App Store.

  1. Visit https://developer.apple.com/programs/enroll/
  2. Click "Start Your Enrollment"

3.  If you already have an Apple ID you can use it to sign in (the account must have Two-Factor authentication enabled). Otherwise, you can create a new account by clicking "Create yours now".

Apple requires your email be part of the domain you use for you website.  So you cannot use mygym@gmail.com for example, and must use me@mygym.com  This often means you have to create an Apple account for your business rather than use your personal Apple account.

Secondly the account must be created under a real persons name - not your brand name. That is added later. Apple rejects accounts that are not created using a real persons name.

4. Fill in your information. It will ask you to verify your email and phone number

5. Agree to the Apple Developer Agreement

6. Click "Continue enrollment on the web". For certain countries enrollment on the web it's not available, and it's required to install the "Apple Developer" app.

7. Fill in your information, and click continue.

8. Select "Company / Organisation". Click to continue.

9. Fill in your company legal name and DUNS number. Submit the form.

What's a DUNS number?  A DUNS number is a globally unique number to refer to your business.  You probably have been setup with one automatically without your knowledge.  You can find this out filling out the form on the DUNS website (it just requires your company number)  You'll get an email a minute later with your number in.

Apple has a DUNS page with more background on DUNS numbers if you require it

10. You will be taken to a page where you can review all the information you entered. If everything is correct, click "Submit". 

11. If your account is automatically approved, you will be redirected to the Apple Store to finalise the purchase of your Developer account.
If your account requires further review by Apple, you will receive an email in the next 3 days letting you know that you can finalise the purchase.
12. About 24 hours after the payment you should receive an email confirming you're successfully enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.

Sign the free apps agreement

The second step is to sign the free apps agreement.  This allows you to publish free apps on the app store.  You will not need to sign the "Paid Apps Agreement" as your app will be free to download for your customers.
2. Click on "Agreements, Tax, and Banking"

3. Sign/Agree to the "Free Apps Agreement".

Add WodBoard as an administrator

The third setup step involves adding WodBoard as an administrator so we can access your account.  To do this:
2. Click "App Store Connect"

3. Navigate to the section "Users and Access". Click "+" icon to add a new user.

4. Fill in the form with the following information:

First Name: WodBoard

Last Name Whitelabel

Email: whitelabel@wodboard.com

Role: Admin

Access to resources: Make sure "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" is checked.

5. Click "Invite".

Request access to the App Store Connect API

For this step you'll request API access which is something we need for submitting the apps on your behalf.

1. Go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api

2. Click the button to request access

3. That's all - we can do the rest once you've made this request

Digital Services Act

You will need to provide contact information that is shown on the App Store pages. To do this:

  1. Click the link to "Complete Compliance Requirements"

  1. Choose the trader provided account option:

  1. Type in your contact details. Bear in mind these will appear on the app store so we recommend using your business address and for the phone number use your WodBoard CRM number

  1. As part of this process Apple will send codes to verify your email and phone number. Be sure to complete these steps. Apple will now ask to verify your ID. Press the Next button

  1. Upload your a document that verifies your business name. A company registration document or bill is normally best here. If you’re an individual you may provide a current government-issued photo ID that includes the physical address.

  1. Upload a document that verifies your address. This can be the same or a different document to the previous step

  1. Press Confirm to approve your submission

Agreeing to updated Terms

From time to time Apple will update their terms and you will need to accept the new ones.  This is how you do it.  You will not need to do this when first setting up your account for a white label app as you will have accepted the latest versions when performing the above steps.

Important: If there are pending agreements it will not be possible for us to submit updates to your App.  We do this regularly as Apple releases new iOS versions, we add new functionality or we fix bugs.

Apple do not allow us to accept agreements on your behalf so you please accept updates when they become available

2. To verify that all the agreements are active, you can visit https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/agreements