Migration from Wodify

This article runs over the process of migrating from Wodify to WodBoard.

Limitations of migration

There are a few limitations on the migration process due to the way Wodify exports data:

  • If you have memberships that are charged non-monthly (eg every 4 weeks, quarterly etc) you will need to adjust the first bill date as we don't know when they were last charged
  • Offline payers will need to be setup manually as we can't tell who pays via card and who pays offline
  • Any discounts on memberships will have to be manually applied once the import of data is complete
  • For athletes on a paused membership we bring across the athletes details and their memberships but we can't tell if it's paused or not.  You will have to pause them manually by looking up a list of pauses in Wodify and pausing them in WodBoard.
  • Any memberships set to end in Wodify won't have the date brought across so you will need to set the end date in WodBoard yourself
  • Any fixed length memberships will be:
    • added as free with an end date if there's 1 charge
    • added as paid with an end date if there's multiple charges.  If there are outstanding charges the date of the next charge will need to be added
  • Class packs will have to be adjusted after the import for the number of remaining sessions and expiry date as we don't get this information
  • Children are imported but as standalone users. If you use as dependents on a parents account their membership will need to be moved to the dependent account


Before exporting data from Wodify it can be a good time to do some house keeping so you only bring across those athletes which you want to take to WodBoard.  We bring across athletes who have active memberships so you may wish to make adjustments to only bring across the customers you need.

Wodify has a concept of payment plans inside memberships which WodBoard doesn't (as it's overly complex and better served by separate memberships).  If you have been using this feature in Wodify and have multiple payment plans inside a membership then you'll need to use specific naming for your memberships during import.  To do this name the product with the Wodify membership name, then a colon (":") surrounded by spaces and then the payment plan name.  For example if the membership name is "Unlimited" and the payment plans are called "Month to Month" and "12 Month upfront" you would create two memberships in WodBoard called "Unlimited : Month to Month" and "Unlimited : 12 Month upfront".  This is not needed when Memberships in Wodify only have one payment plan.  Once the import is complete you can of course change the membership names to whatever you like

Exporting data

In Wodify you will to export two files:

  1. Go to Reporting -> Memberships and choose the "All Memberships" report.  The export button on this page is pretty well hidden - to find it you need to hover over the "All memberships" wording as shown below and then an icon with "..." will appear on the right of the page. Click this and choose the download option (choose xls format).

  1. Go to the People -> Clients page and select all customers by using the checkbox in the table header. When you do this it'll only select the customers on the first page and you want all pages so click the words to the right side of the page where it offers to select all customers. Once done you can choose the Export action from the dropdown on the left (again choose xls format). This second file gives all athlete data (including left athletes) and is needed for personal details such as phone numbers. Only those with memberships will be brought across though so your old members will not appear in WodBoard

As we match memberships and class packs by name when importing from Wodify, the names in your WodBoard account will need to match exactly.  Consequently if you have renamed or reorganised your products as part of your migration to WodBoard, then you will need to either a) rename them back (you can change them in WodBoard once the import is complete) or b) change them in Wodify so the names match the ones in WodBoard.  When using Wodify with payment plans you will also need to review the Preparation section Yellow Box for naming standards     DO NOT edit the spreadsheet - this changes the format of the file and means the importer won't work.

Stopping payments in Wodify

You'll want to stop existing payments in Wodify once you've migrated to WodBoard.  The easiest way to do this is via the bulk deactivate of customers option.

We recommend downloading all your data, especially the waivers athletes have signed, before completely closing your Wodify account.

Importing data

Your WodBoard onboarding specialist will have sent you a link to upload the files to. You should do this the day before the migration is due to take place.