Zoom integration

The WodBoard Zoom integration automatically creates Zoom meetings for each of your online classes and sends the login details to the athletes before the class starts.

Linking Zoom

The first step to integrating Zoom is to link your Zoom account to your WodBoard account.  To do this you'll need to be logged into WodBoard as the account owner and you'll also need to be logged into Zoom as the account owner.

When ready head to Settings -> Event Options and scroll down to the Online classes section where there's a Zoom link you can click.

This will take you to Zoom where you'll need to approve our access.  When you return to WodBoard it'll show your account as linked.

Zoom meeting defaults (meeting types, recordings, waiting rooms etc)

Zoom has many options for the default settings your meetings are created with.  Whatever these are set to is how WodBoard will create your meetings.  So if for example you have automatic recoding switched off but would like this on then you'll need to change the default in your Zoom settings.  Head to My Account -> Settings in Zoom to change these.

One option that throws a lot people is that by default we'll create a unique link for each online class (Zoom meeting).  If you prefer we can re-use the same link each time.  This is handy if you publish your Zoom link in other places such as social media, emails or websites.

To setup this option head to the My Account page in Zoom.  On the left look for Settings and then scroll down until you see the option "Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting".  Change this to on.

Creating an online space

To run online classes you need an online space.  Every gym is composed of multiple spaces that you can schedule classes in - for example Studio 1, Studio 2.  Each space has a type of either physical (ie it's a space in the real world) or online (ie it's an online class).  When setting up online classes for the first time you'll need to create a new space or re-purpose an existing space if you already have one.

To do this head to Settings -> Business Details -> scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Edit next to your location.  On this page you'll see a list of spaces and you can easily edit/create a new one with an online type.

You'll notice it lets you choose the Zoom user the online space is for.  Zoom restricts you to one meeting per user running at once so if you have multiple online classes running at a given time you'll need to create multiple online spaces each with a different Zoom user.

Scheduling online classes

Once you've done the setup phase it's just a case of making sure your classes are scheduled in your new online space.  You can check this by clicking a class on your timetable

For each online class in WodBoard a corresponding meeting is then automatically created in Zoom.  If you need to cancel the class (or adjust it) you should make changes to the WodBoard class, not the Zoom meeting, or your customers will be unaware of the change.

Meetings in Zoom are created approximately 3 hours before the class is due to start.  As such when you first link your Zoom account you will not see any online classes for the first 3 hours.

The athlete experience

Before an event starts the athlete will get a push notification 10 minutes before (if they have the app) or an email 30 minutes before (if they don't) with a link to click to join the class.  This link goes to WodBoard so we can check the athlete is actually booked into the class and they haven't forwarded the link to a friend.  Assuming that's all ok then we'll open the Zoom app automatically and the athlete will be dropped straight into the meeting.  That sounds like a lot of work but it all happens instantly.

If the athlete doesn't click the push notification or email link then they can still get to the class by opening the WodBoard app or WodBoard website.  We know they should be in an online class so there's a button right at the top of the page for them to join.  They can also get to the join link from their "My Bookings" page.

The coach experience

The coach will be able to access the class in the same way the athlete can but they can also get to it from the gym side view of the class.  The link here opens up an hour before classes so the coaches have time to prepare if they need it.

Note the coach will have to be signed into the Zoom account to start the meeting as host.

Marking athletes as attended

By default online classes work the same as classes in the real world - that is the coach should mark the athletes as attended when starting the class.  This isn't always practical for online classes though as a) it can be difficult to work out which attendees are which if they have video off with strange usernames, and b) there can be so many attendees it's not practical to mark them all as attended in the time you have.

In such circumstances you can enable a gym setting to automatically mark everybody booked in the class as attended.  To do this head to Settings -> Class & Service Options and change the Automatic attendances setting to on.  Within 30 minutes of the class ending all participants booked into the class will be marked as attended.

Note this setting applies to all classes though so if you are running both online and real world classes you'll have to consider the best option to use.

Multiple locations and multiple organisations

This section only applies if you run a gym with multiple locations, or are the owner of multiple gyms managed through the same account.

In multi-location mode each location can either be running their own online classes or sending customers to common online classes.  Be aware of the following situations:

  • Each location runs its own classes - different Zoom users will be required if any of the classes run at the same time
  • Locations have common classes:
    • If customers are a member of all locations then they will need to access the classes on the location that has them scheduled rather than their usual home location
    • If customers are only a member of one location then you will need to repeat the class on the timetable for each location.  For this to work you will need to use the same meeting link option described above in Zoom meetings types

If the user setting up Zoom integration is the master account holder at several organisations then they could link the same Zoom account at each organisation.  This will work the same as the multi-location case above except when delinking a Zoom account.  In that case the Zoom account will be removed from all organisations.  It can therefore be preferable to use a different Zoom account for each organisation in this situation.

Removing Zoom integration

If you need to remove the Zoom integration you can do that by heading back to Settings -> Class & Service Options and clicking the revoke link.  This will redirect you to the Zoom marketplace where you can press the button to remove the WodBoard integration.