Customer booking issues

If a customer can't book into an event they'll often contact you for help. This article runs over the things you should be checking when you hear from them.


When a customer attempts to book into an event WodBoard does a series of checks.  These include:

  • Is the customer's membership valid?
  • Are they within the usage limits for their membership?
  • Have they signed all your legal documents?
  • Is there enough space in the event or is it waitlist only?

Within each of these categories there's numerous other checks.  Overall this amounts to a lot of checks before a customer can book in (over 20 at last count).

There may be a lot of checks but it all happens in under a tenth of a second.  Yes this really matters to us (as we know it matters to your customers) and yes we've timed it!

If one of the check fails the customer will get a message with an error and if they don't think it's right they'll often contact you for help.


When you receive such queries the first thing to do is ask for a screenshot of the error they see.  That's because customers will often report they "can't book in".  This isn't very helpful though as it doesn't explain the problem.  The error message on the screen explains exactly why they can't book in but this is often glanced over or not read properly.  With a screenshot of the error you can read the message and easily see the problem.  For example:

The error makes it clear the customers is already booked into another Crossfit/Sweat class that day and can't book another (in the context of your current usage rules setup)

Errors typically fall into one of several categories:

Usage limit errors

Customers should check their limits used which they can find by heading to the Memberships section and clicking into the Membership.  That page shows the amount of sessions they've used so far this period.

You can also see customer Bookings from their Customer page.  On this page you can click on the date/time of a booking to find out more about it (ie when it was booked, what membership was used etc).  This lets you dive into the details if you need more information to diagnose an issue.

Membership limits can be pro-rated if a membership has started/is ending part the way through the month.  The error message will clearly say the customer has "hit their pro-rated limit of X sessions this month" though so it's easy to spot.

If after looking into this you realise the customer is right and you've setup your usage limits wrong then you might like our help article on usage limits which explains all the details of how to set them up.

Membership errors

Typically these revolve around start and end dates.  The system will let customers book classes for memberships that haven't started yet but if they try and book one before the scheduled date then the system will not allow this.  The customer should either book after their start date or you should adjust when the membership will start.

The same applies for the end of memberships.

Legal documents

If the customer needs to sign a legal document then it's shown on the screen and they can sign it to book in.

Getting Help

If you are unable to solve why a customer can't book then you can contact our support team.  Please include a screenshot of the error, the customers name and the name/time of the event they were trying to book into.  We cannot answer support tickets without a screenshot of the error.