Location Types

When setting up your location(s) you can choose a type for the location.  This determines what functionality it has available.  This article runs over the options

Available types

The following types of locations are available:

Type Uses
Crossfit can also be used for general Functional Fitness gyms
General Gym for a traditional gym where customers pay for access and do their own routine
Group Fitness for facilities offering group fitness classes such as Spin, Aerial or Pole
Online Classes for classes delivered online only
Programming for delivering programming for customers to do in their own time, without any classes
Virtual when a 2nd location is needed due to having multiple legal entities, but nothing actually happens at the location.  See Virtual Locations below for more
Yoga Studio can also be used for Pilates and Barre studios

You should choose the location type that closest matches your business.

Available Functionality

The type chosen determines the functionality available:

  • Timetable - whether classes can be scheduled here.  This applies to all types except Virtual and Programming
  • Programming - whether programming can be delivered.  Only applies to Crossfit and Programming types.

More functionality in the future will be determined by the location type.

Virtual Locations

If your business has multiple legal entities but only one space that people attend then you may need a virtual location.  This is because one location can't route payments to multiple legal entities.  Examples of when you would typically use this include:

  • A gym with attached physio/health clinic/etc. where customers at the clinic get entry to the gym for free as part of their fees.  Both the clinic and gym run under their own legal entity
  • A gym with a shop inside and the shop has its own legal entity

A virtual location means payments for that location can be routed to a different legal entity.

Adding location increases your monthly subscription fee to WodBoard.  However virtual locations do not count toward this cost when used for the above scenarios so you will not see an increase in costs for using one.

The setup can be done in two ways.  In both cases, customers have access to all your locations:

  1. Customers are allocated the correct home location for where they want to route their payments.  This works best for the case of an attached clinic - membership fees go to the right business but both sets of customers have access to the gym
  2. Customers buy the membership for the location you want to route the money to.  This works best for the case of a shop - customers buy their membership at the gym, but only the virtual location has stock at the shop

Services, drop-ins, and shop purchases all default to the gym location where the services are performed, but can be changed to the virtual location if required.

Legal documents are by default signed under the legal entity of the customer's home location (unless a specific legal entity is chosen for that legal document).  See the legal document help article for more information.