Active, Semi-Active & Inactive Member States

This article explains what member activity states are and how you can define them to customise them to suit your gym's reporting needs.

Activity States

On your gym's dashboard you'll see three member activity states:

  • Active
  • Semi-Active
  • Inactive

These activity states are great ways for you to get a breakdown of who's getting most out of your gym through to those who may be at risk of leaving.

Clicking on the activity state in the dashboard will provide you with a list of customers based on their attendance activity:

Defining Activity States

As every gym is unique in terms of size, members, classes and more we provide you with the ability to define what counts as an Active and a Semi-Active member. You can do this in your Settings > KPIs & Reports:

You'll find this in the Other Options section:

How is Customer Activity Defined?

This is defined by how many attendances a customer records has within a month.

Once you define the number of attendances, this is your baseline for what counts as an Active customer and a Semi-Active customer.

If you define an Active customer as 10 attendances per month and Semi-Active as 5 attendances per month this is how activity is counted.

Anyone who records:

  • 10 or more attendances is an Active customer.
  • 5 to 9 attendances is a Semi-Active customer
  • 0 to 4 bookings is an Inactive customer

As you gain deeper insight into your customer's gym usage you can re-configure these activity states at any point to adapt to your evolving gym management model.

Activity States: Reports and Trend Lines

In addition having the last month's customer activity on your dashboard, you also have powerful insights into your customer's activity using Reports. This will help you see activity trend lines, account for seasonal activity and more.

In the KPIs - historic data report, you have multiple controls to achieve this and to be able to get as granular with your data as you need.

You can view your data by:

  • Activity State (Active, Semi-Active, Inactive)
  • Location. If you have multiple gyms you can view by all locations combined or per gym.
  • Date Range of up to 10 years

This will help you see the trend line of how your customer's activity changes over time and how seasonal events such as Christmas, summer vacations and more impact customer activity.