Importing your Beyond The Whiteboard training data
This article runs over the process of importing your training data from Beyond The Whiteboard to WodBoard.
Export data from Beyond The Whiteboard
To export your data head to and login if you aren't already. From there raise a new support ticket and request for your training data to be sent to you. Their support team will send back a spreadsheet with all your data you can use in the next step.
Import data into WodBoard
Once you have your account setup (wait for an email from your gym if you don't have this already) you can import your Beyond The Whiteboard training data. To do this visit this link and follow the instructions on screen.
The Beyond The Whiteboard importer will bring in all strength lifts and gymnastics movements where the name of the movement is known in WodBoard. In reality this covers most lifts and gymnastic movements but it will not cover any custom movements your gym added whilst on Beyond The Whiteboard. For the workouts only the girls, heros and open workouts will be imported.