Custom Sign-up Fields

Custom Sign-up Fields provide flexibility for gyms to inquire about specific information pertaining to their business while a customer is completing a registration or sign-up form. These fields can range from inquiring about how the customer learned about the gym to requesting social media handles.


  • Settings -> Customer options -> Manage custom sign-up fields -> New Field

  • Choose from:
    • Checkbox (customer can select more than one box)
    • Dropdown (customer is given a selection of things to chose)
    • Radio button (customer can only select one option)
    • Free Text (customer can input text response)

CRM Users

CRM users will have an 'Applicable to' drop-down feature to choose who the form applies to. Note: CRM forms (Leads -> Forms), will also have the option to include your new custom fields.

    • Customers
    • Leads
    • Customers & Leads
  • Check if the Field must be entered by the customer

This will now be included in the forms for anyone entering your gym or registering with you via Settings -> Links & Codes


You also have the option to generate reports on your customized sign-up fields for both Customers and Leads (leads if you have CRM add-on). This feature is a valuable addition to your business, especially if you are monitoring things such as advertising campaigns, referral programs and trials.