Setting Staff Availability

If you provide one-on-one services and appointments, such as personal training sessions, massages, or introductory appointments, ensuring that your staff members have their availability set up is essential. This step is crucial in guaranteeing that your customers will have a smooth booking experience. In the following article, we will guide you through the process of setting up staff availability and more.

Why Set Staff Availability?

Setting staff availability is a required step to allow your customers to book individual services such as Personal Trainer sessions, Intro appointments, physical therapies, treatments, etc based on your team's availability. Before setting up availability for your staff, be sure to set them up on the Service you have created within the Time Table so they link.

Appointment/service booking for customers: Desktop (left) and Mobile (right)

Accessing and Viewing Staff Availability

To view and set Staff Availability you need to navigate to the Staff area and select the Staff Availability tab. This will show you all of your team's staff availability:

Adding Staff Availability

There are two ways that you can add staff availability

1) Basic:

This is set from the Staff Availability calendar view page by clicking on the Add Availability button. This allows you to:

  • Choose the members of staff
  • Add a single, non-recurring entry

2) Admin level:

This is open to staff with the Settings permission enabled and provides the ability to set staff availability on a recurring level.

To access this, navigate to the Staff Members page, select the staff member that you want to update, then click on the Edit link in their Availability section:

Who Can Update Staff Availability

Staff without the Settings Staff Permission have limited options. They can:

  • View their own availability on a day-by-day basis
  • Add, edit and delete their own availability
  • Block their availability day to day if they are away on holiday

Staff without the Settings permission enables cannot set recurring availability entries and require an account admin to set recurring availability.

Staff with the Settings permission enabled have Admin Level permissions allowing them full access to the Staff Availability functionality.

This means that in addition to being able to update their own availability, the logged in staff can also

  • View, add or edit all staff members availability
  • Add recurring staff availability
Logged in staff page view with "Settings" permission enabled

For more insight how permissions work, check out our dedicated article on Staff Permissions.

When setting recurring availability you have two options. You can either:

  • Set an end time at which the recurring availability will stop
  • Leave the end time blank for the recurring availability entry. This means their availability will be ongoing with no end date

Syncing Google Calendar with Staff Availability

Syncing your calendar with your personal Google Calendar is a crucial step in ensuring that your Staff Availability remains accurate and up to date. When properly configured, this feature ensures that any bookings in your personal calendar, such as dentist appointments, holidays, etc., will prevent anyone from scheduling you during those times.

To connect your Google Calendar, the staff member needs to go into their account in the staff login page. Go to Staff -> Staff Member Name -> Google Calendar 'connect'