How to Set Up Membership Plans
Memberships in WodBoard enable you to create highly customisable and flexible memberships that will support both your business model and your members needs. In this article, we'll guide you through how to create and manage your memberships. Head to help article for guidance on setting up Passes.
What are Membership Plans?
At it's core, a membership plan is a subscription which can be paid or free that allows members to access some or all of a gym's facilities, classes and services. These can be fixed length or recurring memberships.
Setting Up Membership Plans
Video Tutorial:
Step by Step Instruction:
To create a membership, click on the Membership tab and hit the New Plan button:
Once you've done that, there are three core areas that go into creating a membership plan. These are:
- Plan Details
- Advanced Options
- Usage Limits
We'll run through each of these one by one.
Plan Details
This is where you'll set up the core elements of a plan such as what type of plan it is, whether it applies to all or just some gym locations if you're a multi-location facility, as well as how you charge for the plan.
Basic options
This is the name of the plan. It's how you and your members will see it in the app if it's not hidden so make sure the name is nice and clear!
Limited to multi-location gyms. You can configure the membership to apply to all locations or just one.
Plan Types
These will dictate what the options are when it comes to configuring the membership plan benefits. The plan type allocations are set as the final step of membership creation.
- Class - a class can be attended by many members depending on the the limits you set up and are limited to only classes.
- Service - A service is a one-to one booking. These are typically used for Personal Trainers, massage and so on. These are limited to only services.
- Hybrid - If your membership includes both Classes and Services as benefits, select this plan.
- General - This is when neither classes nor services are required. Typically used for extras such as locker rental or gym access. Note: Selecting a General play type will disable the Usage Limits section as no allocation is required.
- Digital - Digital plans are used when neither class or service access is required and the plan is for something delivered digitally (such as online nutrition coaching).
Charge Type
This is how you'll get paid for the membership. With the need for wide-ranging flexibility here there are plenty of options to consider. The Charge Type will condition what the next configuration options are so let's get the overview for both types.
Ongoing Charges
An ongoing membership only stops being renewed when the plan is cancelled or it transitions to a new plan. Ongoing or recurring plans provide a lot of flexibility which means there are a number of options to consider here.
Fixed Length
You can specify the duration of a membership plan by week, month or your very own customer period of a specified number of days, weeks or months.
Charge Period for Ongoing Plans
This sets how frequently the membership plan will be renewed and therefore how your members will be charged. You can choose:
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Custom
- Every x Days - How many days a membership lasts (ie. an intro 3 day plan)
- Every x Weeks - How many weeks a membership lasts for (ie. a weekly or bi-weekly plan)
- Every x Months - How many months a membership last for (ie. a monthly, quarterly or annual plan)
Charge On
Specific Day per Month or Day of Sign-up
Specified Day (only for Specific Day per Month plans)
Choose a date in which you wish this payment to come out. This date will now be set for this membership plan. If a customer wishes to change it, go to Customer ->Purchase ->details -> Change Bill Date
Initial Charge Policy (only for Specific Day per Month plans)
- Pro-rated: When charging on the same day each month, this option determines how the time from now until that day is charged.
- Free: Choose this option only if you wish this period to be free to your customer until the next billing date.
Advanced Options
On Completion or Cancel Auto-Purchase
Once the membership has completed or cancelled then you select what product this should auto-purchase.
- If there is to be no follow on, leave this box blank as '-'
- This option should not be set to the same membership, use the Ongoing type to keep a membership charging each month and leave this box blank as '-
This functionality enables users to establish categories for their customers to browse while making purchases. To begin the setup process, click on 'create category' and commence typing. This action will trigger the system to generate a new category. Examples of common categories include Monthly Memberships, Programming, Passes, Personal Training and more.
Minimum Term
This can be set to days, weeks or months. A typical minimum term is 3 months but is individual to you and your gym.
Notice Period
This is the notice that you require your customer to give you to cancel their membership plan.
Introductory Offer
The plan can be bought once by new customers.
This plan is not available for self-service, but can be bought with the hidden link.
This plan can only be allocated by staff members with the settings or payments
Note: Leave all boxes unchecked if you want customers to purchase through the self-serve Memberships option on their app.
Limit availability to the following customers
If you have this plan set up as self-serve, and this is a plan set up for a specific few customers, populate who they are in this section.
Usage Limits
Hybrid: Class and Service
Example of what Usage Limits can look like:
This means a customer can book no more than a combo of 5 Cardio or Strength sessions per week and 1 Mobility. Use this to set up what classes are available to your customers and limits set according to the plan.
If you leave this blank, your customers will have unlimited access to all of your classes.
For a deeper dive into class allocations, check out our help article on Configuring limits for plans.
Rollover Unused
This is an option if you want your customers to be able to carry forward unused sessions within the allotted time allowance of their membership plan.
Here is how rollover credits work:
- Rollover credits will always be shown under Membership details for both the gym and customer. If someone has more than one membership, they will also see their any unused credits when they book a class.
- Rollovers will be used by default when the membership allowance runs out. If someone has more than one membership, they can choose to use the rollover credit or membership usage when booking a class.
- Rollovers won't work for free memberships if the usage is set up as a payment cycle as no 'payment' has occurred. These would need to be set up as weekly or monthly.
- The cap is an overall carryover, it does not accumulate sessions. In the example below, the customer would never have more than 2 sessions carried over on their account at one time.
Leave this box unchecked if you do not wish to enable customers to move their sessions into the next week/month.
Click SAVE and your membership is complete.
Deleting Membership Plans
Memberships - > Plans (section) - > Edit - > Delete
Please be advised that it is not possible to delete the plan while it remains active or is linked to any members. If you want to delete the membership you will first need to cancel all the customers on it.